Locations [H Street Live!] HOME [H Street Live!]
Why not break the rules before you get too far underway with the New Year? That way there's no build up or resentment when you do. We're pretty sure the Pope would agree, especially if it has anything to do with great Italian food!
Yes, take a side trip to A. Litteri's off H Street on Morse Street—you know that street perpendicular to Gallaudet University where the Subway Sandwiches Hut is—now don't get distracted by them. This is not about them.
Across from the parking lot right behind the Subway [jeez, stop mentioning Subway], you'll find the most authentic Italian Deli in da City! This place is stacked with pastas, olives, dressings, sauces, wines, cheeses, sausages, and guess what—all you Bad Santa fans—???
Sandwiches [0,0] . . .indeed!
Yum, the best in town at the best prices. It's hard not to leave the store with one and a bunch of other stuff. The place is crazy cool for just the right experience of authenticaitaliano [made that up]. Great customer service, and still run by decendents of Italy - you gotta go! Once, and then again, and again.
Good Luck! Maybe you can get some sandwiches and snacks as carry out for lunch and then go straight home to pig out and prepare for a night on the town on H Street [Live! of course]. Or pick it up and go back to H Street NE and sit on one of those nice new metal benches at all the cross streets and take in a mural on the side of a building or just enjoy the comings and goings on the street!!! [smiles]
Check our Locations [H Street Live!] page for their website if you want to order for parties!